Sounds from the Trail

There are many reasons to miss unscripted, unpredictable and, at times, unbelievable moments from the GOP primary rollercoaster.


There are many reasons to miss unscripted, unpredictable and, at times, unbelievable moments from the GOP primary rollercoaster. But one thing that has mainly dried up since Mitt Romney claimed the nomination is good old retail politics: pressing flesh and kissing babies. It gives voters a chance to get to know the candidates more personally. And, with cameras at every turn, those interactions are quickly broadcast to homes across the country. 

Both President Obama and Mitt Romney have so far mostly shunned retail politics, instead focusing on big speeches and fundraisers. That is, of course, until Romney's latest five-day, six-state bus tour. We put together some of Romney's greatest hits since he hit the road on Friday:

The jury's still out on whether this kind of exposure helps Romney's chances. But while his slip-ups can raise eyebrows (he loves his sons "like" they're his own?!) and his old fashioned jokes may be perceived by some as cringe-inducing ("it's so hot the building's sweating!"), the New York Times and the Washington Post both suggest this trip is honing his skills of improvising on the stump and riffing with voters. On trips like this, it's harder for the campaigns to control their events and their candidates. Do you think retail politics is helping or hurting the Republican nominee?