NOW Today: Another dead heat

This morning another big poll is out, and it indicates more of the same: President Obama and Governor Romney are locked in a statistical dead heat.


This morning another big poll is out, and it indicates more of the same: President Obama and Governor Romney are locked in a statistical dead heat. If recent trends continue, that deadlock could extend to the conventions when key swing voters and independents begin to consider how they'll vote in November.

The poll numbers come as NBC News learns that New Jersey Governor Chris Christie will give the keynote speech in Tampa, suggesting he may no longer be in the running to be on the Republican ticket. The eventual announcement of Governor Romney's running mate has the potential to change the general election match-up, a distinct advantage given that President's running mate is already named.

Until then though, we're likely to see more of the same: Attacks on the President's jobs agenda, pressure on Romney to release more tax returns, and more back and forth on the Bain game.