Songs and signs of the rapture

I went out today looking for one of those trucks advertising the Rapture. They've been pretty darn omnipresent around 30 Rock lately.

Taking a nice stroll on Sixth Avenue

I went out today looking for one of those trucks advertising the Rapture. They've been pretty darn omnipresent around 30 Rock lately. But perhaps since today is the day before the 6 pm deadline (nyuk nyuk.), those trucks had better places to be. Or perhaps it was just too rainy to be out today. Either way, I came up short in the Rapture truck department, but I am pleased to announce several people were out for leisurely Friday strolls, blissfully doing their thing.

And here's a question: Lady Gaga is scheduled to perform on SNL, which airs at a decidedly post-Rapture time. Can the world wait until after the mother monster does her thing? These fans have been waiting outside the building for days, and it just doesn't seem fair that all that hard waiting around wouldn't be rewarded. Look how happy they are. Seems like they should be spared from having to miss that, I guess.

Lady Gaga fans wait for their mother monster.

And because this is what we think about on a Friday afternoon, here are some good Rapture-related tunes:

And this gets an honorable mention:

There are many others, but it's late, and we've been here since 5:30 a.m.

What did we miss?