Madoff whistleblower Markopolos on something other than a Ponzi scheme

You don't generally hear Bernie Madoff whistleblower Harry Markopolos talk about staying mentally and physically fit. And for good reason.

Bernie Madoff whistleblower Harry Markopolos on the set of Morning Joe

You don't generally hear Bernie Madoff whistleblower Harry Markopolos talk about staying mentally and physically fit. And for good reason. He's got a lot of important stuff to talk about that doesn't relate to his exercise and dietary habits. But in the Morning Joe green room, sometimes we like to take a different route with guests and ask them stuff that isn't covered during their interview on the show.

So Louis Burgdorf rapped with him about something other than helping to expose the largest Ponzi scheme in history. He talks know...that whole thing too a bit, but not exclusively. And we hope you enjoy.