Julia Reed: Hitchens' wit was 'just indestructible'

Essayist, author and cultural critic Christopher Hitchens passed away Thursday night in Houston, Texas after a battle with cancer.


Essayist, author and cultural critic Christopher Hitchens passed away Thursday night in Houston, Texas after a battle with cancer. The Morning Joe panel remembers his legacy.

Julia Reed, author: “I adored Christopher. I’ve never seen anybody that nimble. I mean his mind was just astonishing…You would watch him at a debate table, and he would have some scotch in his cup and still just slay everybody in his wake. His wit was just indestructible.”

For a view on Hitchens that supports Reed's thoughts and also runs counter to them, I suggest you read Gawker's take. It's somewhat unsparing, but perhaps Hitchens would've wanted it that way.