Friendly Wager: Joe vs. Dan Senor

Back in November, Joe went head to head with Council on Foreign Relations Adjunct Senior Fellow Dan Senor about Jon Huntsman's showing in the New Hampshire prim

Friendly Wager: Joe vs. Dan Senor

Back in November, Joe went head to head with Council on Foreign Relations Adjunct Senior Fellow Dan Senor about Jon Huntsman's showing in the New Hampshire primary. Senor predicted that Huntsman would stay in the single digits and place no better than third in the Granite State. Joe challenged his statement, arguing that the former Utah governor would do better. They made a bet and shook on it: Loser has to take out the winner's entire family out to a fancy steak dinner at The Prime Grill in New York City. Looking at the menu, it won't be cheap. Who will have to pay up and eat their words? Watch the whole scene go down between Joe and Senor on Morning Joe at JD's Tavern tomorrow, 6:30AM.