Setting off fireworks ... in your brain. Take the weekly quiz!

Take a 4th of July holiday from Googling. Test your knowledge of this week's top stories via our weekly quiz.

Demonstrators in support of abortion and contraceptive rights chant in support of their cause after the Hobby Lobby ruling outside the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington on June 30, 2014.

We invite you take the msnbc news quiz and test your smarts on this week’s top stories.

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Once unwrapped, eaters will read “we are all the same inside” on the inside wrapper. 

“Assuring equal protection for same-sex couples does not diminish the freedom of others to any degree,” Judge John G. Heyburn II wrote in his opinion

With a license to carry, residents can now carry guns into bars, nightclubs, school classrooms, and certain government buildings that lack security personnel or devices.

Team USA battled it out through overtime, but ultimately lost, 2-1, in the knockout round match.

An existing executive order already prohibits discrimination against gay, lesbian or bisexual employees of the U.S. government. President Obama announced this week that he plans to take another step for equality.

According to the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee, the party believes it has a strong shot at winning majorities in eight key states this fall.

President Obama had an unlikely defender on Sean Hannity's show this week.

President Obama won this constituency group by 70% in 2012.

In Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, the Supreme Court ruled for-profit businesses can qualify for religious exemptions to insurance coverage of contraception. Here are some facts.

More than 52,000 unaccompanied children have been arrested along the southwest border, the vast majority from the Rio Grande Valley

This lawmaker vowed he or she would not seek re-election this fall after being caught on camera kissing a staffer.