Ladies first, yes? The March 31 preview

Twitter was abuzz yesterday afternoon with the news that the guests on Sunday news shows were all male, and all white.


Twitter was abuzz yesterday afternoon with the news that the guests on Sunday news shows were all male, and all white. Ours wasn't included in the count, but we'll get into tomorrow's diverse list of guests in about 24 hours. Today we offer the real remedy to all that.

Before we get to that, the topics. We'll examine the Trayvon Martin case, which has been light on legal developments and heavy on tabloid-style victim-blaming and victim-shaming. (Melissa will offer a helpful guide on how to talk about the case that you do not want to miss.) We'll delve into the role of the First Lady, and ask: what if they actually ran the world? And how do we deal with the fact that in too many parts of the world -- including America -- women are not adequately represented in government?

Speaking of something other than Sunday news shows that features 100% white men, Melissa and our guests will discuss the candidates for the Republican presidential nomination, and how female voters hold their fates in their hands. We'll also honor some Foot Soldiers who recently risked their freedom to send a message to New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.

So, just in case the Queen and Monie Love didn't clue you in above, every one of our guests today is a woman. We do this to cap off Women's History Month, but today's "MHP" is a special edition that one day we hope won't be so special.

Our guest list:

And as always, be sure to interact with us during the show on Facebook and on Twitter, using the hashtag #nerdland. See you all at 10am ET!