Melissa opines on Obama, marriage equality

Melissa co-hosted "Politics Nation with Al Sharpton" yesterday, concluding the show with her take on President Obama's historic new stance on marriage equality.


Melissa co-hosted "Politics Nation with Al Sharpton" yesterday, concluding the show with her take on President Obama's historic new stance on marriage equality. She led off by noting the importance of today, May 10, for an important reason. May 10 was the day that, in 1886, saw the House of Representatives pass the 14th Amendment, which reversed the Dred Scott v. Sanford decision, thereby granting citizenship to slaves and others born inside the country's borders.

(Interestingly, May 10 is also the birthday of corporate personhood. The Supreme Court issued a ruling on that same exact day in 1886 in the case of Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad, granting the same constitutional protections to corporations as citizens under that newly-passed, not-yet-ratified 14th Amendment.)

I'll let Melissa take it from here. Video of her interview with Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) from earlier in last night's show is embedded after the jump.