Poll watching and other headlines

Morning headlines: it's primary day, MS officials are aware of reports of outside groups dispatching poll watchers, prosecutors allege more gifts to VA Gov.


It's primary day in: Colorado, Maryland, New YorkOklahoma, Utah, along with runoffs in Mississippi and South Carolina and a special election in Florida.

Mississippi election officials will be watching the poll watchers today. (TPM)

Former Senate Majority Leaders Tom Daschle and Trent Lott talk about filibuster reform. (Wall Street Journal)

TX Gov. Perry warns of 'trail of tears' from border crisis. (LA Times)

2nd bridge inquiry said to be linked to NJ Gov. Christie. (NY Times)

Michigan's budget includes $800,000 for abortion alternatives. (Washington Post)

VA. Gov McDonnell prosecutors allege more undisclosed gifts from a different giver. (Washington Post)

What are you reading this morning? Leave some headlines in the comments, won't you?