The Friday Awesome

Our special Fourth of July Weekend Friday Awesome kicks off with Fred Astaire (F.A. for F.A!) tap-dancing with a trouserful of low level explosives. Note: Don


Our special Fourth of July Weekend Friday Awesome kicks off with Fred Astaire (F.A. for F.A!) tap-dancing with a trouserful of low level explosives. Note: Don’t try this at home. Second note: Fred did NOT have a permit for those firecrackers. Third note: That’s just how Fred rolled. Going rogue. Freedom, baby!Hey it’s also Canada Day! William Shatner does his own version….. Of….. Oh…………………………………………… Canada.Don’t touch my robot…seriously, keep your hands to yourself, humanoid. I don’t know who this Chinese cheerleader guy is cheering for exactly, but whoever it is, they so don’t deserve him. Run free, higher primate, run free! Ladies and gentlemen, Souleymane Coulibaly! Happy Birthday, Twyla Tharp! Dan Aykroyd! Debbie Harry!How do we know the perp was your dog? We just know, OK….And finally, fruit being blasted to smithereens by clay cartoon figures carrying automatic weapons. Just as the Founding Fathers pictured it!Seen any other awesome this week? Please share below. Have a great Fourth, everyone!