You say goodbye, I say haboob

Feedback on last night's show is revealing marked support for the joy of pronouncing "haboob." A close secnod to pronouncing the word is the fun of hearing it s


Feedback on last night's show is revealing marked support for the joy of pronouncing "haboob." A close secnod to pronouncing the word is the fun of hearing it said repeatedly, so here, for your tittering pleasure is a healthy portion of haboob tube:

There's something about hearing the repeated use of haboob that makes puns difficult to suppress. Here are my top six from last night's watch party:

  • Weather experts insist that all haboobs be held in equal regard, no matter the size. #RespectTheHaboobs #Maddow
  • Phoenix emergency crews and first responders were pleased to report they had the haboob well in hand. #Maddow
  • Meteorologists who spend a lot of time thinking about haboobs generally get very little else done. #Maddow
  • In some cases the storms can be sudden... #FlashHaboobs #Maddow
  • Life could be a dream... #HaboobHaboob #Maddow
  • Researchers says haboobs are developing earlier these days... #Maddow

I'm not sure those beat Sam Naughton's observation that you see more of haboobs when it's hot out.