This ad needs a change up

I was so happy to see this movie poster for "The Change Up" defaced.

This ad needs a change up

I was so happy to see this movie poster for "The Change Up" defaced. Ryan Reynolds has been labeled "character?" while each of the two women fawning over him are aptly labeled "prop."

The ad is all over New York City (and probably the buses and billboards in your town, too), and it infuriates me every time I walk by it. 

The full ad

There is just sooo much to be offended by here: the "babes" and "babies" comparison, the two identical women crooning over one man, Ryan Reynolds groping their butts, and on and on and on. 

To me the worst part is that the women are clearly props rather than people in the ad, as the graffiti artist noted. What black-marker commentary does this inspire in you?