Caterpillar names: the finalists

My Monarch caterpillars are munching away and getting bigger and fatter by the hour.

Caterpillar names: the finalists

My Monarch caterpillars are munching away and getting bigger and fatter by the hour. I asked you to help me name them and you brought lots of ideas to the table. Here are my favorites:

Charles and Camilla (the royal angle)

Harry Cane and Irene (current events angle)

Chrys and Alis (biological angle)

Fat Man and Little Boy (nuclear angle)

Eric and Carle (children's book angle)

Biggie and Smalls (hip-hop angle)

Adam and Steve (New York gay marriage angle)

Mohamed and Bouazizi (Arab Spring angle)

and a couple of my own submissions:

Maddowpillar and Lambchop

Bebebebe and Hyulhyulhyulhyul (because I just read Steve Martin's autobiography)