GOP and Democrats spar on Twitter over 'doge' meme

Their official Twitter accounts launched missives last night following Hillary Clinton's claim that her family was "dead broke" upon leaving the White House.

Bill and Hillary Clinton listen to ceremonies during the National September 11 Memorial Museum dedication ceremony on May 15, 2014 in New York City.

It's always debate night on Twitter.

The official Democrat and Republican Twitter accounts launched Internet missives last night following Hillary Clinton's claim that her family was "dead broke" upon leaving the White House.

The GOP gave Clinton's comments the doge treatment, using the popular meme's characteristic grammar errors to poke fun at the Clintons' multiple houses and their considerable income from speaking fees.

The powers behind the official Democrat Twitter account were less than impressed. "Your memes are as dated as your policies," the Democrats fired back.

Google data supports the Democrats' "dated" barb. According to Google Trends, the doge meme peaked in 2013, making it six months out of date.

The official GOP Twitter account declined to respond to the tweet, but backlash from Clinton's "broke" comments spread on social media even more quickly than pundit's queries. The sarcastic hashtag #HillaryIsSoPoor took off on Tuesday and Clinton attempted to clarify her remarks on Good Morning America, saying that the couple was $12 million in debt and "had to keep working really hard" to pay it off.