Michele Bachmann not letting that crony-capitalism, government-injection thing go.

Although maybe only Rick Perry can beat Rick Perry.Also this from Gail Collins, about Congresswoman Bachmann's contention that a mother told her that


Although maybe only Rick Perry can beat Rick Perry.

Also this from Gail Collins, about Congresswoman Bachmann's contention that a mother told her that her daughter had taken the HPV vaccine been mentally retarded ever since:

Let's presume that Bachmann is being accurate, and that the woman in question was not someone she heard about from a friend of a friend’s cousin in Xenia, Ohio. What would you expect a candidate for president of the United States to do after such an encounter? Take a name? Investigate the case? Would a contender for the White House — or even the Zoning Board of Appeals — just blurt out something they heard from a stranger that could discourage parents from accepting vaccinations that could save their children's lives?The Bachmann campaign did not respond to my questions about who the woman was or what the candidate did to check out the information. So I guess maybe, yeah.

Just now, NBC News correspondent Jamie Novogrod reports that Ms. Bachmann told reporters in Costa Mesa, California, today that she's not a doctor and she was only passing on what someone told her after the last Republican debate.