How closely did you pay attention to this week's stories?

Go ahead, test your knowledge of this week's current events.


We invite you take the MSNBC news quiz and test your smarts on this week's top stories.

How did you and your friends match up? Share with your followers on social media and tell us how you scored in the comment section.

Deleting tweets is just the tip of the iceberg over the POW's release. Bowe Bergdahl may become Republicans’ new Benghazi

Do you think the New Jersey governor still has a shot of being the GOP's presidential nominee in 2016? Take our poll now.

The 31-year-old credits her success to her encyclopedic memory and her multidisciplinary education.

The calorie-conscious governor's recent health kick came on the heels of a secret lap band surgery last year.

Nez was one of 29 members of the Navajo Nation who helped create the code.

The poll took a look at the emotions of people in 138 countries, ranging from anger and stress to sadness and physical pain.

Find out what the administration has been doing to combat the issue

In his apology, the actor stressed that "words have weight."

The group reported customers armed with semiautomatic rifles have walked into stores in at least seven states.

Clinton's long-awaited memoir, “Hard Choices," will some of the detail challenges and choices she made during her tenure as secretary of state.