Fighting back in the hardest places

<p>Last night&#039;s opening block was all about fighting back.</p>

Fighting back in the hardest places

Last night's opening block was all about fighting back. We looked at examples in Arizona, Ohio, Tennessee, Maine and Colorado, all places where progressives have decided not to give up. Whether they're pushing back for voting rights or union rights or humane immigration policy, people across the U.S. are not giving up.

This morning my aunt Cathy posted this from our hometown in Mississippi, the story of what might be the first-ever pro-gay anything in Tupelo. It's a small town in the northeastern part of the state that happens to be home to the American Family Association -- they're the ones with Bryan Fischer for a mouthpiece, the ones who gay-baited SpongeBob SquarePants.

Tupelo is one of the places (one of so many in this country) where just being different, proudly, is its own way of fighting back. Yesterday the city's Link Centre screened a movie about being LGBT in small towns called "Out in the Silence" -- after they cleared a bomb threat. They just kept going. From a comment on the Out in the Silence blog:

This is Diva, the big haired drag queen from today's event; it was such a pleasure to meet you and Dean. Your documentary was such a pleasant and proud moment for me as a gay man. I am so moved by the work you guys are doing and I offer you my support now and throughout the rest of your journey. You inspire me. We made a little bit of history today, and thank you thank you thank you for being part of making this happen. Words can never be enough so I'll be passing it along through my work.Life is better having met you guys;) Please stay safe and know there is a group in Tupelo that always has your back.-Eric

While you're at it, check out the list of co-sponsors, 16 groups hanging in there together.