Challenge part deux: build an even better hamster trap

This summer, I turned to Maddowblog readers for advice on how to catch my daughter's escaped hamster, General Fuzz. I found him a couple of days later.


This summer, I turned to Maddowblog readers for advice on how to catch my daughter's escaped hamster, General Fuzz. I found him a couple of days later. No harm done.

I thought hamsters were merely opportunistic--running away only when humans (like me) neglected to keep their cages shut. It turns out they are creative, manic and indefatigable escape artists. (See video above). General Fuzz somehow managed to grab onto a plastic plug with his powerful hamster jaws and pull it into his cage, creating the opening through which he escaped. My husband doesn't believe me, but after applying Occam's Razor, I consider it the most likely explanation.

So, the General is AWOL again. I have set several peanut butter traps for him as described in this article.

Once again, I'm open to your suggestions--both for how to catch him and how to keep him from getting out again. Maybe something like this suggestion from Laura Conaway: