Ron Paul site pulls Kayser press release

Where once the Ron Paul 2012 web site boasted the endorsement of Rev. Phillip G.

Ron Paul site pulls Kayser press release

Where once the Ron Paul 2012 web site boasted the endorsement of Rev. Phillip G. Kayser, a pastor at the Dominion Covenant Church and anti-gay extremist who supports the death penalty for homosexuals, now there is only a 404 "not found" page.

Talking Points Memo linked to the page in its story about the endorsement earlier today. The press release, still preserved in Google's cache, touted the pastor's praise for the proximity of Ron Paul's positions to "Biblical civics." The release further notes that Dominion Covenant Church is "a very conservative, evangelical church that teaches the Bible, the whole Bible, and nothing but the Bible." That description turns out to be literal. Pastor Kayser told TPM today:

“Under a Ron Paul presidency, states would be freed up to not have political correctness imposed on them, but obviously some state would follow what’s politically correct. . . .What he’s trying to do, whether he agrees with the Constitution’s position or not, is restrict himself to the Constitution. That is something I very much appreciate.”

Thanks to viewer @LeftsideAnnie, who tweeted us about this during the show.