And you, Mr. Lyman, your question?

<p>Later this afternoon President Obama will participate in a joint Google/YouTube event where he’ll take pre-submitted questions from the public and

And you, Mr. Lyman, your question?

Later this afternoon President Obama will participate in a joint Google/YouTube event where he’ll take pre-submitted questions from the public and participate in a live virtual discussion in a "Google Hangout" which is Google's fancy term for a video conference. 

 But last week, Vice President Biden participated in his first Twitter interview. Basically, people asked questions on Twitter and the Vice President answered some of them. It turns out that the vetting process may need some tweaking since apparently the Vice President answered a perfectly valid question on education reform from a West Wing character.

We present to you exhibit A:

And exhibit B:

And you, Mr. Lyman, your question?

If that doesn't blow your pop culture, political geek, social media mind, absolutely nothing will. You can check out all of the Vice President's answers via Storify here.