Pics: Great Virginia license plate challenge

As we were saying last week, the Commonwealth of Virginia offers a special license plate that benefits the Virginia League for Planned Parenthood.


As we were saying last week, the Commonwealth of Virginia offers a special license plate that benefits the Virginia League for Planned Parenthood. We discovered this when Karen Bohn of Spotsylvania wrote it to say that she'd just ordered the plate for herself. It comes with the message "Trust Women. Respect Choice."

After that, you can personalize the plate, so long as you stay within a few rules about not discussing intimate body parts, not being profane, vulgar or sexually explicit, and not being socially offensive. All of the plates you see here appear to have passed muster with the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles. Yes, Virginia, you can say womb, it seems. Whether you'll still be able to say "Gov TVP" -- for "governor transvaginal probe," I think -- seems more of an open question. But for now, you can.

Thank you to everyone for sending these in. We love getting stuff in the intermails. Credit list is after the jump.

MANDATE: Maxwell Molina; WMB EXPRT: Gabriella Musacchia; CLZ UR IS: Susan Carpenter; WMN-VOTE: Carole Bonds; USE 19th: @triumph68; NO PROBE: Too many to name; the people's choice; WE VOTE2: Colleen Shannon; GOV TVP: Tess Kraft; LEAVUS B: Layne Pogue; GOP WONT: Lisa Bansley; NO VP 4U: Mandy Perez; KEEP OUT: Kim Armstrong; NO ASPRN: Martin Bell; NOVP4ME: Glen Cantrell; FREE-WMN: Adina Alexander; WAR WOMB: Misha Niklewicz; WOMB R8R: Alex Brant Zawadazki; GYN-BOB: CeliaSue Hecht; OMGYN: TRMS graphics team; CONSENT: Ali Davis; UR NO DR: Rachel Maddow