Today in Hyperbole: Why modern America is just like 16th century England

On their radio show WallBuilders Live, hosts Rick Green and David Barton bravely ignored that voice that prevents other broadcasters from saying things that

Queen Mary, boss.

On their radio show WallBuilders Live, hosts Rick Green and David Barton bravely ignored that voice that prevents other broadcasters from saying things that sound completely bonkers and plowed forward with their relentless self-persecution narrative.

Here's what popped out during a discussion about the role religious liberty played in the formation of the United States. Said Mr. Barton: (with our annotations)

"This is a really important thing1, to be able to have the presence of religion there but now we're seeing a hostility that we've not [seen before.]2 This is like England back in the fifteen and sixteen hundreds3, quite frankly.4 Now, we're not burning people at the stake yet5, but we are imprisoning people for their faith6 and to say that in America, that's unbelievable."7

(1) I'd appreciate it if you didn't bust out laughing...

(2) And that hostility pales next to the made-up hostility toward religion we'll pretend to feel tomorrow

(3) Breaking news: Queen Mary is thisclose to imposing the strictest possible Roman Catholicism on all 21st Century Protestant American radio hosts. Alack the day! Run for thy lives!

(4)"Quite frankly is a phrase people use immediately after they've said something wildly unsupportable. As in, "It's Obama that has the problem with women, quite frankly.

(5) I can't decide: Does he sound frightened by this news? Or disappointed? This I do know: when the stake burnings start, Green and Barton are ON IT.

(6) Never mind explaining who "we" or "people" or "faith" are in that sentence. Your ad hoc pronouncements are all the proof anyone needs.

 (7)You said it, brother.