OMG: The VRGYNYA license plate

<p>A couple of weeks ago, Holly Bahn of New Mexico suggested a personalized message for Virginia&#039;s Planned Parenthood license plate, the one reading &quot

OMG: The VRGYNYA license plate

A couple of weeks ago, Holly Bahn of New Mexico suggested a personalized message for Virginia's Planned Parenthood license plate, the one reading "Trust women. Respect choice." Her pick: VRGYNYA.

I wasn't sure it would pass the filters for explicit reference to ladyparts, but maybe I was just misreading the plate. FTR, Rachel said she thought it would be fine. You can see now who won. David and Sandee Delano of Williamsburg, Virginia, send the picture above and a note:

When we saw the winner of the Virginia license plate contest on The Maddow Blog, we LOVED it! So.....we decided to see if we could get it. It arrived today! It's a good match with all the bumper stickers!

They haven't had much response to the plate so far, but David says they've only just now started driving it around town. "We did get a positive response from one of our sons," he writes. "When she asked him if he thought it was too much, he replied 'No, you need to rock that, Mom.' High praise indeed."

(We love getting stuff. Send more.)