Tuesday's campaign round-up

<p>Today's installment of campaign-related news items that won't necessarily generate a post of their own, but may be of interest to


Today's installment of campaign-related news items that won't necessarily generate a post of their own, but may be of interest to political observers:

* Voting is underway in Wisconsin.

* Former President Bill Clinton, hoping to resolve any confusion, told Democratic donors last night that a Romney presidency "would be, in my opinion, calamitous for our country and the world." Clinton added, in reference to Republican policies, "the economics are crazy."

* Rep. Jeff Flake was supposed to cruise to an easy win in Arizona's Republican U.S. Senate primary, but Wil Cardon appears to be catching up. How do we know for sure? The pro-Flake Club for Growth has a new attack ad, questioning Cardon's conservative credentials. The primary is a week from today.

* Rep. Nan Hayworth's (R-N.Y.) campaign spokesperson resigned yesterday, a week after suggesting "acid" should be "hurled" at "female Democratic senators."

* Conservative super PACs have so far outspent liberal super PACs 7.7 to 1 this year. That's an enormous financial advantage.

* In New Mexico, which used to be considered a battleground state, the latest statewide poll shows President Obama leading Romney by 13 points, 48% to 35%.

* Will any Democrats run for governor in Alabama in 2014? Someone is bound to get the ballot slot, but at this point, party insiders give "mostly empty stares or belly laughs" when the question comes up.