Morning Maddow

The Waldo Canyon wildfire in Colorado has officially turned deadly.President Obama is traveling to Colorado today to view damage caused by the fires and

An aerial photo taken Wednesday of burned homes in a residential area of Colorado Springs.

The Waldo Canyon wildfire in Colorado has officially turned deadly.

President Obama is traveling to Colorado today to view damage caused by the fires and thank responders for fighting them.

The Associated Press reports on the round-the-clock war rooms being staffed by officials fighting this season's record-breaking wildfires in the west.

George Zimmerman's second bond hearing is today.

Analysis from the AP holds that whether Zimmerman gets bond will depend on whether he can re-establish his own credibility after prosecutors say he misled the judge about how much money he and his wife had.

Officials say a Fort Bragg soldier shot and killed another soldier and then shot and wounded himself yesterday afternoon.

The House could vote today on a Highway bill and a measure to maintain low student loan interest rates.

Euro zone leaders agree to give bailout funds directly to struggling European banks.

The U.S. ambassador to Kenya announces he's resigning from his "dream job" over differences with Washington.

South Korea gets cold feet less than an hour before the scheduled signing of its first military agreement with Japan since WWII.

Muslim Brotherhood supporters crowded into Tahrir Square on Friday, ahead of Mohamed Mursi's inauguration Saturday.

WikiLeaks is getting into the music business.

Michael Phelps is still a lean, mean swimming machine.