Friday's campaign round-up

<p>Today's installment of campaign-related news items that won't necessarily generate a post of their own, but may be of interest to


Today's installment of campaign-related news items that won't necessarily generate a post of their own, but may be of interest to political observers:

* The latest Fox News poll shows Mitt Romney taking the lead nationally, claiming a one-point advantage over President Obama, 45% to 44%, among likely voters.

* The Republican National Convention will air a "tribute video" to Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) on its second night.

* The Koch brothers' Americans for Prosperity is investing another $6 million in an anti-Obama attack ad, featuring people who claim to have supported the president in the past.

* Majority PAC, a Democratic group, launched a new ad this week in Indiana, slamming Senate candidate Richard Mourdock for his opposition to Social Security and Medicare.

* Rachel reported this week on the effort to keep Romney/Ryan off the ballot in the state of Washington. A court ruled against the effort yesterday.

* Todd Akin doesn't appear to be undermining Romney's support in Missouri -- a new survey from PPP shows the Republican leading the president by 10 points, 52% to 42%.

* On a related note, some Democrats are pushing the Romney campaign to scrap Mike Huckabee's scheduled convention speech in light of his support for Akin.

* There's been ample speculation about which statewide office Newark Mayor Corey Booker (D) would seek, and as of now, it looks like he intends to take on Gov. Chris Christie (R) next year.

* And in 2016 news, Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley (D) really isn't being subtle: he scheduled some time at the Democratic convention to speak to delegates from Iowa.