Links for the 9/26 TRMS

National Republicans re-open door to spending money on AkinMissouri Senate - Akin vs. McCaskillElection 2012 Trial Heat: Obama vs.

Links for the 9/26 TRMS

National Republicans re-open door to spending money on Akin

Missouri Senate - Akin vs. McCaskill

Election 2012 Trial Heat: Obama vs. Romney

Dems talk of 'permanent progressive majority'

A permanent Democratic majority?

Boehner, on track to lead House, reaches out to tea party as GOP wins majority

After GOP landslide of Election 2010, what next for Obama?

Republicans at risk of losing the House

Florida sends election departments list of 198 potential noncitizens; some may have illegally voted

Mitt Romney attack ad misleadingly quotes Obama

Romney distorts Obama quote in new television ad

Adwatch: Romney takes Obama out of context again

Mitt Romney Ad Misquotes President Obama

From the Fact Check Desk - Did the Energy Department Inspector General Testify that Energy Loans Had Been Steered to Friends and Family?

FACT CHECK: Romney misses a mark on Solyndra 'friends and family' claim

Romney hits the sauce again

Romney wrong on Solyndra facts

Romney's attacks on Obama and welfare deemed false by fact checkers

Points amiss in Romney's ads on welfare

Fact check: Romney's welfare claims wrong

Romney TV ad repeats disputed welfare claim against Obama

Romney Camp Bets On Welfare Attack

Romney: I haven't met with immigration adviser Kobach

Romney: My views on abortion rights are clear

Romney And Abortion: Another Shift In The Works?

Romney Campaign Backpedals After He Says Nice Things About Obamacare

Romney on Iran: Share Same 'Red Line' As Obama

Romney Statement on Iran at Odds With His Foreign Policy Advisers'

Romney Says Obama Did Not Raise Taxes 'In His First Four Years'

Romney says Obama never raised taxes