Tuesday's campaign round-up

<p>Today's installment of campaign-related news items that won't necessarily generate a post of their own, but may be of interest to


Today's installment of campaign-related news items that won't necessarily generate a post of their own, but may be of interest to political observers:

* The Obama campaign's new ad mocks Mitt Romney for targeting Big Bird. It's worth emphasizing that this ad won't be part of Obama's swing-state ad campaign, and will air only on national cable. (Sesame Street would like the ad to be taken down.)

* In Ohio, a SurveyUSA poll for the NBC affiliate in Columbus shows Obama leading Romney by one point, 45% to 44%.

* In Pennsylvania, a Siena poll shows Obama leading by three, 43% to 40%, while a Susquehanna poll shows the president up by two, 47% to 45%.

* In Michigan, a new EPIC-MRA shows Obama's lead at three points, 48% to 45%.

* Priorities USA Action has a new ad this week on Romney's proposed education cuts, while a new AFSCME ad draws a distinction between Romney's debate rhetoric and what he told donors in the "47 percent" video.

* In Massachusetts' U.S. Senate race, though most recent polling has shown Elizabeth Warren (D) in the lead, a new WBUR poll finds Sen. Scott Brown (R) ahead by four, 47% to 43%.

* The U.S. Senate race in North Dakota has become one of the most competitive in the nation, and a new Mason-Dixon poll shows former state Attorney General Heidi Heitkamp (D) tied with Rep. Rick Berg (R) at 47% each.

* In Missouri, troubled Senate candidate Todd Akin claims to have raised more than $1 million in online contributions since mid-August.

* And speaking of Missouri, Republican gubernatorial hopeful Dave Spence accidentally misspelled the word "governor" in his new television ad.