Tuesday's campaign round-up

<p>Today's installment of campaign-related news items that won't necessarily generate a post of their own, but may be of interest to


Today's installment of campaign-related news items that won't necessarily generate a post of their own, but may be of interest to political observers:

* The Democratic super PAC, American Bridge, is running a new ad in Ohio this week called "Romnopoly."

* The new national Pew Research Center poll shows President Obama tied with Mitt Romney at 47%. Earlier in the month, Pew showed Romney with a four-point lead.

* A new NPR Battleground Poll shows Romney leading Obama by one point, but trailing Obama in swing states by four points.

* In light of Hurricane Sandy, the president has canceled his campaign events scheduled for tomorrow.

* With Romney's super PAC starting to invest in Pennsylvania, the Obama campaign is following suit, unwilling to let the attack ads go without a response.

* A Boston Globe poll shows Sen. Scott Brown (R) leading Elizabeth Warren (D) by two, 45% to 43%, though all other recent polls show Warren with the advantage.

* In Missouri, Sen. Claire McCaskill (D) holds a narrow lead over Rep. Todd Akin (R) in the latest Mason-Dixon poll, 45% to 43%.

* In Pennsylvania, the latest Philadelphia Inquirer poll shows Sen. Bob Casey (D) leading Tom Smith (R) by seven, 49% to 42%.

* Though there was some recent evidence that Maine's U.S. Senate race might become competitive, the National Republican Senatorial Committee appears to have given up, assuming Angus King (I) will win.

* And in New Hampshire's very competitive gubernatorial race, Public Policy Polling shows Maggie Hassan (D) with a modest advantage over Ovide Lamontagne, 48% to 44%.