Blue dot wonders: Better life somewhere else?

I've been thinking lately about blue dots in red states, meaning progressives in places dominated by conservatives.

Blue dot wonders: Better life somewhere else?

I've been thinking lately about blue dots in red states, meaning progressives in places dominated by conservatives. Here's a question I can't answer, posted by someone back home in Mississippi:

Do any of you think you and your family would be much better off living in a different state? There are so many things we love and appreciate about the South but it's awfully hard to be surrounded by people who don't think like we do. My husband has reached his limit.

How about it, blue dots in red states? Do you ever wonder if you'd be better off somewhere else? Do you get worn out by being in the political minority, or is it inspiring? And if you're a red dot in a blue state -- conservatives of Massachusetts, unite! -- I'd love to hear if you've thought of pulling up stakes and heading for, I dunno, Texas? Hit the comments, please. Adding: And send pics, etc.

(Image: Another view of Vicco, Kentucky, in 2011. Photo by Joe Sonka.)