Hello, my name is voteforeddie.com

What's in a name?A Florida congressional candidate has found a creative way to draw attention to his campaign—by changing his name to the URL for his campaign


What's in a name?

A Florida congressional candidate has found a creative way to draw attention to his campaign—by changing his name to the URL for his campaign website.

Meet the former Eddie Gonzalez, now known as voteforeddie.com.

Eddie—that's what he urged msnbc’s Richard Lui to call him—is running as an independent, and faces a tough race against Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, the Republican incumbent, so he was looking for an unconventional way to grab voters’ attention. And he seems to have found one.

“The only difference is right now voteforeddie.com is able to present his platform of energy independence and tax cut to the American public, to my voters, to my constituents," he told Lui. "Meanwhile, Eddie Gonzalez, independent candidate for Congress, probably wouldn’t have the same opportunity.”

He added: “When you look at your ballot in November, when you see voteforeddie.com,  I want you to do the research."

Will he change his name back once the election is over? Eddie told an msnbc producer he's not sure, saying Eddie Gonzalez was his "old name."