Links for the 3/11

Citations for Tuesday night's show


On the show tonight, Rachel talked about an ad featuring Julie Boonstra of Michigan saying that the costs of her health care under health reform are “unaffordable.” The Detroit News yesterday reported that in fact, she will save at least $1,200 a year.

Americans for Prosperity, which produced the ad, sent us this statement:

"Julie chose the security of knowing what her costs would be when she picked her original plan, and that choice has been taken from her, despite repeated promises that 'if you like you’re plan you can keep it.' Budgets don’t work well with unpredictable expenses, and now Julie is facing new costs such as expensive medication and out of pocket costs she can't plan for."

Tonight's citations are posted after the jump...

Hangar 17 is home to World Trade Center steel

9/11 ruins find homes in Canada

Even Before Fort Lee Lane Closings, Port Authority Was a Christie Too

December 6, 2007 - C.I.A. Destroyed Tapes of Interrogations

Conflict Erupts in Public Rebuke on C.I.A. Inquiry

C.I.A. Employees Face New Inquiry Amid Clashes on Detention Program

Transcript: Sen. Dianne Feinstein says CIA searched Intelligence Committee computers

A hard-hitting anti-Obamacare ad makes a claim that doesn’t add up

Facts presented by Dexter cancer patient in anti-Obamacare ad inconsistent

Dexter cancer patient who called health care 'unaffordable' will save more than $1K