All In Agenda: The search continues

All In Agenda for March 11, 2014.


1. Search and rescue teams are turning their eyes on the Straits of Malacca, exploring the possibility that missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 may have turned back around toward its departure point in Kuala Lumpur. Plus, officials are saying that the Iranian man who boarded the flight with a stolen passport is "not likely to be a member of any terrorist group." American Airlines pilot Latane Campbell has flown the area and he joins us tonight. 

2. The CIA and the Senate committee tasked with overseeing it are facing off, with Intelligence Committee Chair Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., charging the agency with spying on committee members. Former CIA analyst Nada Bakos joins us. 

3. Former Gov. Chris Christie staffer Bridget Kelly and former campaign manager Bill Stepien are fighting to keep text messages and other communications out of the hands of an investigative committee made up of New Jersey legislators. We'll talk with criminal defense attorney and former special prosecutor Brian Wice.

4. Plus, all eyes on Florida as the result of that state's special election rolls in tonight. 

5. And we'll bring you the story of a Michigan woman whose statement in an anti-Obamacare ad was debunked by The Detroit News and other fact checkers. You won't believe her reaction. We'll discuss with Jonathan Cohn, senior editor at The New Republic, strategist Tara Dowdell, and Brendan Nyhan.