Congressman Steve Cohen: Obama team 'doesn't believe' own rhetoric about Republican compromise

Despite its words that bipartisanship has a realistic future, the Obama reelection campaign has no illusions that Republicans want to work together with


Despite its words that bipartisanship has a realistic future, the Obama reelection campaign has no illusions that Republicans want to work together with Democrats, Tenn. Congressman Steve Cohen said on Sunday. "No, he doesn't believe it,"  said Rep. Cohen, referring to Obama campaign strategy David Plouffe's comments that Republicans and Democrats might find a way to make centrist compromise.

“If both chambers are more evenly divided, it could be a recipe for actually getting some things done,” Plouffe has been quoted as saying. “Because of the closeness, neither party’s going to be able to do anything on its own, so either zero gets done for two years or there is kind of a center.”

Cohen suggested that the Obama team is simply playing shrewd politics in talking about the possibilities of future bipartisanship. "It's away from the reality of Congress, but it's not away from the real of trying to get that small independent vote that wants to think we need to work with both sides," Rep. Cohen said, speaking on Up w/Chris Hayes.