Weekend listening: Dead Men Tell No Tales

The 'This American Life' report on the shooting of Ibragim Todashev that we've been waiting for is this weekend.


When last The Rachel Maddow Show reported on the struggle for answers in the FBI shooting of Igbrahim Todashev (see above, or mental reference* below), Boston Magazine was set to publish a lengthy article on the investigation into the triple murder about which Todashev was being questioned when he was killed. Todashev was a friend of one of the Boston bombing suspects. After he was killed, anonymous law enforcement sources told the media that he was a murderer and that he was on the verge of signing a confession to a gruesome triple murder before he was shot. All of that could be true, but it's impossible to know because the FBI has said virtually nothing about Todashev’s death.

At the end of our segment, Rachel mentioned that a giant investigatory piece by the excellent public radio show, This American Life, was due to further elucidate the circumstances surrounding Todashev's death. And so it is upon us! This weekend, This American Life will devote its full hour to revealing some fascinating and troubling details about Ibragim Todashev’s murder and specifically what happened after he was killed.

*For those of us who make a diversion of noting specific lines from the script, this was the segment that included the line, "So the dead guy is dead..."

Full Disclosure: One of our TRMS producers is married to one of the TAL producers. They have a lot of tote bags/mugs.