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In this edition: Jindal criticizes Obama, Colorado expects big returns on legal pot, we meet Wendy Davis's running mate, and the Pentagon budget shrinks.

Brittany Zewe, left, and Jess Vanderpool take jars of different strains of marijuana off the counter between customers at Denver Kush Club in Denver, Colorado on Jan. 1, 2014.

Jindal added that President Obama had been "waving the white flag of surrender" on job growth, which prompted outrage from his fellow governors. Read more here.

Some dispensaries have resorted to video surveillance in order to catch the dumpster divers, watch here.

Van de Putte's oldest child prompted her to run by telling her, "There aren't enough mommies there." Learn more about the candidate here.

Despite the cuts, the budget will not stop the Air Force's plans for the F-35, among other items that you can read about here.