Paul Ryan's Wisconsin ad - for Congress - touts small government

A new ad from Paul Ryan, "America Has A Choice," is playing in his home state of Wisconsin, a region that both presidential campaigns are pursuing this election


A new ad from Paul Ryan, "America Has A Choice," is playing in his home state of Wisconsin, a region that both presidential campaigns are pursuing this election cycle.

"You, not Washington, should decide the path we take and the decisions we make," says Ryan speaking to a cozy gathering of voters in the ad. "We don't want a government-controlled society."

The ad by the Republican vice presidential nominee doesn't mention Mitt Romney but instead is a re-election ad for Ryan's congressional seat. At the end of the ad, it says "Ryan: US Congress."

Ryan, chairman of the House Budget Committee, is in the midst of his seventh term in Congress. He could not serve both offices, vice president and congressman, if he were to succeed in both campaigns.

The ad will run for two weeks in the Milwaukee area, USA Today reported. The Ryan re-election campaign will spend $1.5 million in the Milwaukee metro region and another $500,000 in Madison next month, a campaign official told the Washington Post.