Obama campaign seeks to portray Romney-Ryan as flip-floppers ahead of VP debate

Seeking to portray the Romney-Ryan GOP ticket as not only dangerous but also dishonest and prone to flip-flipping on issues, the Obama campaign is promising to

Republican vice presidential candidate Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)

Seeking to portray the Romney-Ryan GOP ticket as not only dangerous but also dishonest and prone to flip-flipping on issues, the Obama campaign is promising to fact check Thursday evening's vice presidential debate between Joe Biden and Paul Ryan.

The campaign issued a statement the morning of the debate entitled "What to Expect from the 'Marathon Man,'" and went on to list what it saw as the "four of the biggest lies Ryan has told," as well as to describe a Mitt Romney who "will say anything to win, even if it's not true." 

The statement condemns Ryan for "false claims" about Medicare, the Romney-Ryan tax plan, Simpson-Bowles, and his comments during the Republican National Convention on the closure of a Wisconsin General Motors plant.

Accompanying the Thursday morning attack was a new web video, "Paul Ryan and His Many Methods of Misrepresentation," and a new Twitter handle, @OFAdebates, which the campaign said would work in coordination with its existing @TruthTeam2012 to fact check Ryan's statements during the debate in real time.

President Obama has said he was "too polite" in the first debate, and pundits generally expect Biden to go on the offense Thursday, seeking to use his experience against his younger challenger.