All In Agenda: Sandy victims sound off

All In Agenda for February 13, 2014.


1. Sandy victims sounded off on members of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's administration during a public hearing Wednesday. All In's got the story. Heather Haddon of the Wall Street Journal and Staci Berger, president and CEO of the Housing and Community Development Network of New Jersey, join us. 

2. We'll go behind the scenes of the dramatic debt ceiling vote and talk about the power of the Tea Party with Washington Post political reporter Robert Costa. 

3. Next up: 1,500 Volkswagen employees are deciding if they want to be part of the United Auto Workers Union,and that vote has huge consequences. John Nichols, Washington Correspondent for The Nation, joins us. 

4. And Chris weighs in tonight on the "1% pathology" with venture capitalist Nick Hanauer, The Nation Editor and Publisher Katrina vanden Heuvel and Sam Seder.