Sen. Cruz threatens filibuster and other headlines

Morning headlines: Sen. Ted Cruz threatens to filibuster the clean debt-ceiling hike, abortion rights group opposes an Obama judicial pick.

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas

Sen. Ted Cruz threatens to filibuster a clean debt-ceiling hike, but says he won't delay the vote.  (Politico) 

House Ways and Means chair says the IRS singled out conservative groups for audits. (WSJ) 

Abortion rights group takes on Pres. Obama over judicial pick. (BuzzFeed) 

Judge to hear challenge of Texas' gay-marriage ban. (AP) 

Pres. Obama to sign executive order raising the minimum wage for federal workers today. (The Hill) 

San Diego has a new mayor. (AP) 

Women finally get to ski jump at the Olympics, but they want even more. (USA Today)

Meet the first federally registered historic car. (NY Times)