New troubles await the Democrats

 Let me finish tonight with trouble - real trouble.It's the trouble I sense out there in the country for President Obama and the Democrats if they don't



Let me finish tonight with trouble - real trouble.

It's the trouble I sense out there in the country for President Obama and the Democrats if they don't address the gender imbalance in their politics.

Hillary Clinton ran a brave, hugely important campaign for president in 2008. She carried all the big Democratic states - New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, and California. Her only miss was Illinois, Obama's home state. 

Obama won the nomination because he focused on the smaller states, many of them where Republicans win in November and rolled up the delegates. He won on strategy and, I strongly believe, because he had staked out his opposition to the Iraq war early and definitively.

All that said, Senator Clinton ran a courageous campaign, especially - and I watched it first-hand - in New Hampshire when she'd been given up for lost. She spoke for hours up there at large gatherings showing her mettle. And millions of Democrats, including many women my age, were deeply supportive of her and the historic breakthrough she was making.

All that happened - and it is "not" in the past. It is in the present - that support for her, that passionate belief that it was all about time.

Is everybody listening?  Are you listening at the White House? Mr. President, are "you" listening?

I'm bringing this up for what the president would call "a whole host" of reasons:

One, Rep. Bachmann is going to make a real bang in this coming election season. You don't know that; you don't know politics.  Romney is like one of those fine hotels in a third world country. The rebels ride past those hotels in their jeeps when the revolution comes - and its coming in the Republican Party. Time's got it right. Bet on the pitchforks to take it from the country clubbers.  

Two, when Democratic women, again especially of my age, see what's happening on the other side. They are going to wonder - and not quietly - why it's not happening on theirs.

Three, Secretary of State Clinton is going to be leaving her job by the end of the next year. Who, I have to ask, is going to replace her in what's going to look like the all-male line-up in the top administration positions.  State, the Pentagon, AG, Treasury - all men, not good.

Fourth, I hear it - I am hearing it, including from trusted colleagues - Better Watch Out, this denial of women their equal place, especially in Democratic politics - I'm talking about the top - isn't going to end nice.