Let Me Start...

Here's what we're watching today: The Gang of Six proposal: Will momentum continue to build towards a deal based on the framework set forth by the bipartisan


Here's what we're watching today:


The Gang of Six proposal: Will momentum continue to build towards a deal based on the framework set forth by the bipartisan Gang of Six? President Obama gave it his blessing, Senators of both parties are lining up behind it, but what about House Republicans? They passed their "Cut, Cap and Balance" plan last night, but it has zero chance of going anywhere. Will conservatives like Sen. Tom Coburn give House Republicans the political cover they need to get a deal done? Here's how The New York Times and Politico are covering the latest developments in the stalemate.


The debt fight turned ugly -- really ugly -- last night. Freshman Republican Rep. Alan West sent an over-the-top email to Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz calling her "the most vile, unprofessional, and despicable member of the House of Representatives." What did Rep. Wasserman Schultz do to deserve such a hateful attack? She merely pointed out on the House floor that Rep. West was hurting senior citizens who depend on Social Security and Medicare by voting for "Cut, Cap and Balance". Read more about the fight -- and West's email -- here.


Hypocrisy Alert: The New York Times reports that freshman Republicans in the House may have won their seats by promising to cut spending, but that hasn't stopped them from funneling millions of dollars of spending to their home districts.


The Rupert Murdoch Scandal: British Prime Minister David Cameron went before a rowdy session of Parliament to defend himself - and his record - in the phone hacking scandal and distance himself from a former News Corp employee he hired. http://nyti.ms/oXorcD


Finally, stop me if you've heard this one before: New Jersey Governor Chris Christie says he's not running for president in 2012. Christie says he wasn't swayed by his meeting yesterday with the founder of Home Depot. But doesn't the fact that Christie keeps taking these meetings suggests he's leaving the door open a crack?