All In Agenda: Follow the money

All In Agenda for Thursday, January 30th.


1. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie vetoed a bill that would have required his office to be transparent about how Sandy money was spent. And after Wednedsay night's revelations, it's time we find out. Joining us is Environment and Solid Waste Committee Chair Assemblywoman L. Grace Spencer, and host of the podcast Minority Reports, Sam Seder. 

2. After more than two years of debate, the House approved a five-year extension of the farm bill Wednesday. We're taking a closer look at what's in it -- and tellingly, what's not. A board member of Food Policy Action, chef Tom Colicchio, joins us.

3. The snowstorm and ensuing traffic crisis that ensnared the city of Atlanta this week could have dire political ramifications for the state's elected officials. Atlanta native Goldie Taylor, a contributor to msnbc and, discusses.  

4.  Oregon Sen. Jeff Merkley, Columbia University Assistant Professor Dorian Warren, and Business Insider politics editor Josh Barro join us for a discussion on executive power in light of President Obama's State of the Union address.