Let Me Start...

Mitt Romney looks strong in South Carolina, but Newt Gingrich has yet to go up with his negative ads about Mitt's time at Bain Capital. Will he?


Mitt Romney looks strong in South Carolina, but Newt Gingrich has yet to go up with his negative ads about Mitt's time at Bain Capital. Will he? Newt suggested this morning that his attacks aren't on capitalism in general -- but on specific deals by Bain. Meanwhile Romney is fine-tuning his response to the Bain attacks. The battle for South Carolina, the conservatives' last stand, is our big story tonight.


Between his re-election campaign and the Democratic National Committee, President Obama took in an impressive $66 million in the last quarter of 2011 -- a figure campaign officials called "a pretty good start."


Politico reports that Democrat-turned-Republican-turned-Democrat Arlen Specter is making trouble for the White House. He told the Philadelphia Inquirer that Pres. Obama shouldn't just replace Joe Biden with Hillary Clinton, but Democrats should replace Obama with Hillary at the top of the ticket.


Politico's Tweet of the Day is this gem from Andy Borowitz: "BREAKING: Romney Vows to Undo Everything Obama Has Done: 'I Will Make Bin Laden Alive Again'" And that's just the point... when you look at the Obama record -- and what's he's actually accomplished -- it looks pretty darn strong, all things considered. The Democrats need to find the right messaging to break through the conventional wisdom that the Obama presidency hasn't lived up to expectations.