Biden on 2016: Maybe, maybe not?

“In my heart, I’m confident that I could make a good president,” Biden said. “It’s a very different decision to decide whether to run to president.”

Vice President Joe Biden arrives the State of the Union address, Jan. 28, 2014.

Vice President Biden danced around 2016 questions on Wednesday’s TODAY, after recapping the president's State of the Union address from the previous night.

“In my heart, I’m confident that I could make a good president,” Biden said. “It’s a very different decision to decide whether to run to president.”

Biden reiterated that he hasn’t made a decision.

"I haven't made a decision to run and I haven't made a decision not to run,” he said. “In the meantime I’ve got a job. Coincidentally, everything I’m about, the assign the president gave me to help move employment in America, and infrastructure, and all these other things are the very things that I’d be doing whether I was running for president or not running for president." 

During his appearance, Biden hinted at another big political event: immigration reform.

“I sat there with Speaker Boehner last night and talked before the president spoke and I think we’re going to be able to get some movement on immigration,” he said.

Biden also pushed back against criticisms that the president had reigned in his agenda, saying that “this is a president who wants to finish the job.”

Biden isn't the only one hinting at the burdens of a modern presidential candidate; Republican Sen. Rand Paul told a fourth grade interviewer recently than he feared the media's critique of his clothes and hair if he ran.