Four out of five Americans don't trust GOP

Even their own voters have lost faith in the Republican Party. “That’s just about as bad as it gets,” remarks Joe Scarborough.


Just 19% of Americans have confidence in Republicans, while a whopping 80% do not.

A new poll that found Americans with serious doubts about all their elected officials, but Republicans scored particularly badly—even with their own voters.

Just 36% of self-identified Republican voters say they have faith that their lawmakers will make good decisions.

They're damning numbers for a party that's hoping to retake the Senate in 2014, hold onto the House of Representatives, and locate a promising candidate capable of beating the Democratic matriarch Hillary Clinton.

In contrast, Congressional Democrats had the support of their own party—a majority support them—but just 27% of Americans overall.

“80 percent,” Morning Joe host’s Joe Scarborough remarked on Monday. “Four out of five people do not trust the Republican Party right now…I keep going back to that 80 percent for Republicans; that’s just about as bad as it gets.”

While the GOP suffered the most, both Congressional Democrats and Obama struggled in the poll.

The president’s approval rating is up four points from November to 46%—that’s the same low ratings George W. Bush had at this same six-year mark—but just 37% of Americans have either a good amount of a great deal of confidence that the president will make the right decisions for the country’s future. A strong majority, 63%, said they do not.

“There are no winners in this poll, but President Obama at 46 percent, the overall number I would say in these days is pretty solid,” Scarborough added. “You dig inside those numbers though, and a lot of very disturbing numbers for him.” 

On healthcare, the president saw particularly low ratings: just 37% of Americans approved of his work on healthcare, while 59% disapprove.