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More than evolutionVice President Joe Biden says he's "absolutely comfortable" with same-sex marriage.


More than evolution

Vice President Joe Biden says he's "absolutely comfortable" with same-sex marriage. That's a statement that goes far beyond President Obama's evolving position on the issue, and the White House clarified that Biden's comment did not represent a change in policy.


A new Battleground Poll finds Mitt Romney inching ahead of President Obama, though his one-point lead is statistically insignificant.


President Obama sharpened his critique of Mitt Romney as he officially kicked off his re-election campaign with huge rallies in Virginia and Ohio.


Tomorrow could be the end of the line for six-term Sen. Dick Lugar of Indiana. He's trailing his Tea Party primary challenger Richard Mourdock by ten points.


A group of 9/11 defendants -- including Khalid Shaikh Mohammed -- disrupted a hearing at Guantanamo Bay -- insulting the victims of the attacks, ignoring the judge, shouting and praying.


In an election whose effects we'll feel here at home, Francois Hollande has ousted Nicolas Sarkozy as president of France. With Sarkozy's defeat, France will likely pull out of the coalition in Afghanistan and re-think its failed austerity policies that have led to double-dip recession threats across Europe.