'The biggest lie of all' from the GOP?

On Wednesday, financial news service MarketWatch produced a chart that Republicans are going to have a tough time explaining away. Here's the upshot:

'The biggest lie of all' from the GOP?

On Wednesday, financial news service MarketWatch produced a chart that Republicans are going to have a tough time explaining away. Here's the upshot: over Barack Obama's four years in office, federal spending will rise a mere 0.4 percent.

So that raging inferno of debt and out-of-control spending that Mitt Romney and the rest of the Republicans hammer on relentlessly? On Hardball on Wednesday, Salon's Joan Walsh cut to the chase: "What's the biggest lie they’ve told so far? Birtherism is vile, but it is really a crackpot fringe. This might be the biggest lie of all," Walsh said.

"You take sheer mendacity, and you multiply it by the number of people who believe it...that’s the Joan Walsh formula for the biggest lie....And it's frankly devastating."

Take a look: