Tuesday's campaign round-up

Today's installment of campaign-related news items from across the country.

In this Jan. 9, 2014 file photo, Texas Sen. Wendy Davis speaks at an education roundtable meeting in Arlington, Texas.
* Texas gubernatorial hopeful Wendy Davis (D) is under fire from the right for having misstated some of the details of her personal background. She was, for example, 21 when she divorced her first husband, not 19.
* There's a special election in Virginia today to fill the state Senate seat being vacated by state Attorney General Mark Herring (D). The outcome of today's election may "determine control of the state's evenly divided Senate."
* New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) told reporters in advance of the 2012 cycle that he wasn't "ready" for national office. He told Yahoo News this week he's "readier, if that's a word."
* Far-right groups may not approve of Rep. James Lankford's (R) Senate campaign in Oklahoma, but who do the organizations want to run instead? Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.), who says he has not yet decided whether to launch a statewide race.
* And in South Carolina, state Sen. Lee Bright, who's taking on incumbent Sen. Lindsey Graham in a Republican primary, told radio host Alan Colmes this week he believes teachers should be able to carry machine guns in public schools.